7.Tamarimizu Kumano-jinja Shrine

Tamarimizu Kumano-jinja Shrine

Pass under three torii gates to
meet a great, sacred tree

 Tamarimizu district in Oji (Notsu-machi). Go past the houses, through a wild animal fence, then along a narrow path and you will see on your left three torii gates leading up the hill. That is the entrance to Kumano-jinja Shrine. With each torii gate you pass, the forest gradually becomes thicker, then you will see at the top of the stone stairs the worship hall, shrouded in a distinctive atmosphere. The worship hall with a compact structure stands on mossy ground, the sacred tree standing to its right reaching up high above the roof of the worship hall. Oral tradition puts the age of this giant cedar tree at 900 years, spellbinding visitors with its size and sacred aura. It is truly a sacred tree that conveys the power of the mountain and the power of nature.

Look out for these three torii gates.

Subdued light in the shrine grounds, even in the middle of the day. The guardian dogs and stone steps are covered in moss.

Oji, Notsu-machi, Usuki City, Oita Prefecture
Use Tamarimizu Community Center parking lot
Stamp location
In the worship hall
Use Mizuchi Community Center
Make sure to securely lock the wild animal fence after you go through.